• International Transport

    We combine our maritime and air solutions and land to carry out the correct transfer of your goods to and from any point in the world, adapting to times and budgets of our clients.

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    Freight Forwarder | Interborders

International Logistics Services

We are experts in international forwarding and provide comprehensive solutions in logistics by air, land and sea, connecting the platforms of all continents at the most competitive prices on the market.

Asesoramiento | Interborders
Operaciones Integrales | Interborders
Comprehensive operations
Gestión Eficiente | Interborders
Efficient management
Todo tipo de cargas | Interborders
All types of loads
Warehouse | Interborders
Logística Multimodal | Interborders
Multimodal logistics

International Air Transport

Interborders forms a network of international agents that allows it to access the most important airlines around the world and offer priority routes to and from the main cities with international connections.


International Maritime Transport

We work closely with the main maritime companies to offer quality services at competitive rates. We carry out continuous monitoring of cargoes, in order to provide our clients with solutions in international maritime transport.


International Land Transportation

We make international shipments by land to Mercosur countries, with a fleet specialized in each type of cargo and satellite tracking to maintain constant control of the distribution route.

Our Clients

They have already joined our network of Solutions

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